Well hello there! It has been a very long time since my last post and I apologize. But now you get to see what I've been up too!
I've been taking part in an online art contest known as the
Dominance War. This is a huge competition with some of the most talented artists I've ever seen! It is a game art contest with both 2d and 3d challenges. Since I am focusing a lot on 2d these days I decided to try my hand.
As part of the 2d challenge I had to create a character based within the Dominance War universe. They gave us a short story and made available to us a list of races and classes to choose from. The big theme this year was demons. So what did I do? I went with the most overdone race and class there ever was. A Human Warlord. Haha!
Here is a link to
My Online Thread at
CGSociety that holds my progress for these last two months.
The final image did not at all come out like I had originally imagined. I ran into a ton of compositional issues throughout the process and made many compromises along the way. I learned a lot about my process that I can now improve upon. And I was reminded once again to flip the picture often to make sure your composition is strong. I got tunnel vision and forgot to do that with this one. However, in the end, it came out alright and I think the experience was worth it! Enjoy!