Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This is a quick painting done in response to a certain Jen asking about rabbits. Hah! I amuse myself! I painted from a crazy bunny photo found in a google search. Hilarious!


m3ng said...

Nice work, Matt! Mind sharing your reference? You can always exaggerate the expression even more...push it!

Unknown said...

Feels like something from Alice in Wonderland....

Unknown said...

I agree with Shawn on where it looks like it belongs. But yeah, the rabbit's nice. The crown being a different style was a nice touch.

Unknown said...

Ummm, it's saying that I'm alex, but I'm andrew...does anyone know how to change this. I think it's based on my google account.

Anonymous said...

Yessss! A RABBIT! It even looks like my rabbit Ringo. Ha! You are awesome.